Monday, January 23, 2006

The Runaway Mouse

Ok, so our mouse didn't run away; we caught it in a live trap and I, being the one home at the time, took it half way across the field from our subdivision and let it go. It ran the opposite direction from the division. We set the trap out again since we didn't know if we had more than one rodent.

I spent some time working on a website for my jewelry today. Most of the work was just getting the layout set up and deciding what I want it to look like. I also did some updates on the troupe website. Some of which were dancer bios that I helped some of the girls get together.

I'm over 2/3 of the way through my book and I've been enjoying it a lot. I'll be said when I don't have any new Nero Wolfe to read, but I know I'll enjoy re-reading any of these books. They're that good.


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